The aim of the article is to analyze the memoirs of contemporaries and direct participants in the revolutionary events in 1917-1921. Attention is focused on the process of formation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces - the mainstay of the Ukrainian Central Council. The memoirs of active participants of the national Ukrainian movement - V. Vynnychenko, M. Hrushevsky, D. Doroshenko are taken as a basis. Memoirs of representatives of other camps of revolutionary competitions - the white movement of I. Mazepa, A. Denikin, the Bolshevik camp - E. Bosch, V. Atonov-Ovsienko were studied for a more objective coverage of the research topic. Memoirs are presented as book publications, thematic collections, author's biographies, magazine and newspaper publications. Materials of the State Archives of Donetsk region are also involved, which allow to present the peculiarities of the course of events in Donetsk region. The methodological basis of the study were general scientific methods of comparison and analysis. In preparation for publication, the leading methods were historical-comparative, synchronous and retrospective. The use of the mentioned scientific methods allowed to analyze the sources and draw conclusions about the scientific problem. The scientific novelty of the study is that the researcher attempted to analyze available memoirs on the formation of the Ukrainian armed forces - the mainstay of the Ukrainian Central Council. Conclusions. Memoirs show that, on the one hand, from the first days of the revolution, a spontaneous movement began among Ukrainian servicemen - the creation of Ukrainian committees, communities, clubs, tendencies to create Ukrainian military units, even the idea of creating a united Ukrainian front. On the other hand, the leaders of the Ukrainian revolution did not have a more or less clear idea of the attitude to the army, the prospect of creating their own armed forces. The Central Council could not determine its position on this issue for fear of spoiling relations with the Provisional Government. Disputes within the Ukrainian movement, in particular between M. Hrushevsky and M. Mikhnovsky, and distrust of representatives of the military command, in particular P. Skoropadsky, also affected this solution. The latter in his memoirs describes in detail the vicissitudes of the creation of the Ukrainian corps in the Russian army. In general, according to the authors of the memoirs, the Ukrainian government has failed to organize a real military force in Ukraine that could resist the enemy. All contemporaries assess the armed forces of Ukraine as weak, disorganized, chaotic. Most saw this as the fault of the Central Council, which failed to coordinate its actions properly and began an open conflict with the Russian government. Memoirs of the Bolsheviks reflect the process of formation on the ground (mostly in cities and workers' settlements of eastern and southern Ukraine) units of the Red Guard from local workers.
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