The purpose of the article is to clarify the multifaceted analysis of the formation and development of rural «Prosvity» of the Right Bank Ukraine through the disclosure of the dynamics of their statistical activities. The research methodology is based on the principles of scientificity, historicism, systematics. During the work the structural-system method, the method of analysis, synthesis and generalization, the method of analysis of available sources and scientific literature were used. Preference was given to historical-comparative, synchronous, statistical methods. In particular, the statistical method made it possible to determine the quantitative indicators of the functioning of educational societies. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time in Ukrainian historiography, little-known and previously unknown archival materials and documents traced the dynamics of rural «Prosvity» of the Right Bank Ukraine in the context of their statistical activities, in particular found out membership fees, sources and amounts of income and expenses of societies, their composition, forms of cultural and educational work among the population, etc. The policy of the Soviet regime towards educational organizations is revealed. Conclusions. In the early 1920s, we see the further development of rural «Prosvity» in the territory occupied by both the Bolsheviks and the Poles. At that time, educational centers in Soviet Ukraine were moving to a model charter, which provided them with state aid. Rural societies continued their activities aimed at ensuring the cultural and educational interests of the population of the Right Bank Ukraine. At the same time, there is an attempt by the Soviet regime to subjugate the «Prosvits» to its influence. The methods used by local authorities were often repressive. As a result, the activities of societies declined.
ДАВО – Державний архів Волинської області.
ДАЖО – Державний архів Житомирської області.
ДАКО – Державний архів Київської області.
ДАХмО – Державний архів Хмельницької області.
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