he purpose of the article is to analyze and characterize the reconstruction of railway transport in the Vinnytsia and Podillia regions, at different stages. Methods of managing the process of transport reconstruction and adjustment of its working are also revealed. The research methodology is based on the application of the principles of objectivity, historicism and systematization using methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization. Scientific novelty lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of a number of new facts and an attempt is made to comprehensively consider the history of the reconstruction of the Vinnytsia railway as a separate business entity. Conclusions. The problems of research of national history from this point of viewallows to understand more clearly the military, economic and social history of the region in the crisis and dramatic years of the war and the postwar period. Reconstruction of the highway took place in several stages. During the war, when the main railways, human-made structures, communication lines, some large nodes and even railway stations were put into operation, there was a significant shortage of specialists, equipment and materials. Therefore, we achieved production results through exhausting work and management methods inherent at that time. The post-war period was more favorable for the reconstruction of the railway, especially after the establishment of railway districts and railway branches in 1946, and in May 1947, employees of the Vinnytsia Railway were transferred to normal, non-military mode. Management of production processes was carried out not only administratively but also economically. The measures taken have paid off. In 1949, the economic activity of the railway became profitable. According to the facts, the social sphere began to be rebuilt immediately after the end of the war, although difficulties with housing and food security took place throughout the reconstruction period.
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