Ukrainian Society of the Red Cross: medical and sanitary activities and social assistance to the population of the Ukrainian SSR in 1921-1929
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Red Cross Society, new economic policy, Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic, medical and sanitary activities, social assistance

How to Cite

Melnychuk, M., & Tomliak, T. (2018). Ukrainian Society of the Red Cross: medical and sanitary activities and social assistance to the population of the Ukrainian SSR in 1921-1929. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 26, 58-64.


The founded of the Ukrainian Society of the Red Cross took place on the background of the simultaneous existence in Ukraine of red-colored organizations of several state institutions. So, as of 1918, the committees of the Southern Cross of the former Russian Empire continued to function. The Ukrainian Red Cross was founded in the last days of the existence of the Central Rada during the period of national liberation struggles. Of course, this situation was not favorable the Bolsheviks, who sought to unite the defined organizations and set control above their activity. After all, on November 20, 1918, the Bolshevik authorities founded the Russian Red Cross Society, which would had to operated to act as the focal point. However, the Bolsheviks understood that in the European charity movement wasn't trust to this organization. Therefore, it was decided to act through the Ukrainian network, which enjoyed trust. Thus, the Special Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross was established on March 14, 1919, by the decree of the RNK of the Ukrainian SSR with the establishment of the Bolshevik authorities in Ukraine. This body set the task of reorganization Red Cross organizations into the single Ukrainian Red Cross and performe the functions of managing and control above their activities. The article analyzes the medical and sanitary activities of the Ukrainian Red Cross Cooperator, namely: the capacity of a public association to form self-functioning clusters of the health care system. Other areas of activity are also highlighted: counteraction social diseases, reduce the number of homeless children, improve the cultural level of the population, improve the sanitary way of life of the workers and peasants, improve the lives of children, assistance to the population in natural disasters, and organization public dining.

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