The basis of organizational and legal form of the pension system during the new economic policy was social insurance, who was in charged the People's Commissariat of Labor. However, the founded of the pension business took place within the framework of the People's Commissariat of Social Security. Continuing to remain wards sobes and receiving pension payments, a certain proportion of these individuals in social status belonged to workers and employers, albeit with a prefix "ex". That is why the social protection of these categories of people was carried out with the participation of both People's Commissariats (labor and social security), in certain shares.Among the social groups of pensioners of the period mentioned were: invalids of civil and imperialist wars, victims of counterrevolution, Red Army soldiers and members of their families, academpensionaries, disabled workers and the like. So, users of pensions or receivers social assistance were recognized as the pensioners, which were victim to civil and imperialist wars and personal pensioners .he organization of social protection of people with disabilities inevitably led to competition between the two institutions, whose main goal were to become independent. Despite the fact that each of the People's Commissariats had their own contingent of servicemen, there were questions, which demanded joint activities, they were accompanied by the greatest contradictions. The result of this joint service was that the supplements to pensions were financed from the state budget, and the basic amount of pensions - at the expense the permanent disability insurance fund. This situation was based, first of all, on the difficulties of the state in the conditions of market transformations, which affected the stability of the provision of these categories. Legislative norms often changed not only the terms and procedure of provision, but also the social composition of the contingent provided.
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