Mykola Vegesh, Stepan Vidnianskyi. Augustyn Voloshin is the «Father of the Carpatho- Ukrainian People». Kyiv: Parliamentary Publishing House, 2020. 469 p.
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A. Voloshin, national revival, Carpathian Ukraine

How to Cite

Mazylo, I. (2021). Mykola Vegesh, Stepan Vidnianskyi. Augustyn Voloshin is the «Father of the Carpatho- Ukrainian People». Kyiv: Parliamentary Publishing House, 2020. 469 p. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 37, 108-110.


The article analyzes the scientific publication «Avgustin Voloshin – «the father of the Carpathian Ukrainian people» by the authors of S. V. Vidnyansky and N. N. Vegesha, well-known specialists in Ukraine on the history of the countries of Central - Eastern Europe and such a Central European region as Transcarpathia. Therefore, they are perfectly familiar with the material and know the subject of the research. In their opinion, the process of national revival of Transcarpathian Ukrainians in the 30s is associated with the personality of A. Voloshin as an educational, socio-political and statesman of the 20-th century. The authors of the book noted that the figure of A. Voloshin belongs to the great people of Transcarpathia and equates him with the personality of O. Dukhnovich, who devoted his life to the struggle for the better fate of his people and called on his compatriots to «put an end to deep sleep». The authors of the study described A. Voloshin’s personality in a new complex way and characterized his activities.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History


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