The build-up of submarine forces of the Russian Imperial Navy in the Black Sea in 1910-1914
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submarines, submarines tests, combat training, naval combat composition, submarine detachment, submarine division, submarine brigade

How to Cite

Sokolіuk S. M. (2020). The build-up of submarine forces of the Russian Imperial Navy in the Black Sea in 1910-1914. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 32, 64-73.


The purpose of the article of the article is to analyze the process of increasing the submarine forces of the Imperial Black Sea Fleet in 1910 – 1914. The measures taken by the top state and naval leadership of the Russian Empire to increase the submarine forces of the Russian Imperial Navy in the Black Sea on the eve of World War I. The issues of organization of tactical and special training of submariners, testing the interaction of submarines with surface forces are considered. The methodology of the research is based on the universal research principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, systematics, which allowed to analyze the main milestones of the process of increasing the submarine forces of the Black Sea Fleet in this period. The scientific novelty of the work is to determine that the newly created submarine forces of the Black Sea in the process of its expansion have become, in fact, a forge of submarine personnel for the Imperial Navy. It is highlighted that mastering the construction of submarines for the Black Sea Fleet contributed to the development of military shipbuilding in the south of Ukraine and the experience of Mykolayiv shipbuilders in their further construction. The peculiarities of life and way of life and training of crews and working off of tasks of combat training by boats in the sea, development of their base system are reflected. Historical parallels have been drawn in the process of increasing the combat capabilities of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Empire on the eve of World War I and the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at present. Conclusions. Proper understanding and consideration by the state and military leadership of the Russian Empire of the lessons and conclusions of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905 on the role and place of naval forces in the war allowed to use all possible ways to strengthen the state's naval defense on the eve of World War I. In particular, the involvement of public and private enterprises in the design and construction of the fleet, including such high-tech and new types of forces as submarines, and also the acquisition of licenses for the construction of boats on foreign projects. Creation and increase of submarine forces on the Black Sea promoted development of military shipbuilding on shipyards of the south of Ukraine, in particular, in Mykolayiv. This experience is extremely instructive and useful to take into account in the revival of submarine forces in the process of increasing the combat capabilities of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in modern conditions.

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