Exploring the population and social structure of the Kyiv Eparchy through monastery service records from the 19th to early 20th century
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Orthodox Church, Kyiv Eparchy, the synodal period, monasteries, monasticism, service records, information about monks, novice

How to Cite

Chuchalin, O. (2024). Exploring the population and social structure of the Kyiv Eparchy through monastery service records from the 19th to early 20th century. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 47, 119-125. https://doi.org/10.31652/2411-2143-2024-47-119-125


The article aims to examine the informative potential and utility of service records from monasteries within the Kyiv Eparchy, spanning the period from the 19th to the early 20th century, in elucidating the status of Orthodox monastic communities and the social composition of their monastic life. The research methodology adheres to principles of objectivity, historicism, systematic analysis and critical evaluation of sources. Utilizing a method of historical reconstruction, this study seeks to construct a comprehensive understanding of the status of monasteries and the social makeup of their monastic communities from disparate historical evidence. A notable scholarly contribution of this study lies in its pioneering effort to investigate, analyze and assess the informational value of service records from monasteries within the Kyiv Eparchy during the specified period. Conclusively, service records, or formulary information, served as a prevalent form of annual reporting within monastic institutions throughout the 19th century. These unpublished documents serve as primary sources for documenting monastic life during the synodal period, playing a pivotal role in the administrative and communal life of monasteries and their inhabitants. Beyond simply detailing the composition of monastery brotherhoods and listing the names of monks and novices, these records contain rich insights into the individual lives of monastics. Examining such sources facilitates the identification of the number of monastics in Kyiv Eparchy monasteries, the motivations driving their monastic commitment, their roles within monastic communities, average demographics, social standing, educational attainment and even personal characteristics and behaviours. By leveraging these archival materials, scholars are afforded the opportunity to analyze the fluctuating demographics and composition of monastic communities within the Kyiv Eparchy throughout the synodal period, thereby enabling prosopographical investigations and contributing to a deeper understanding of Orthodox monasticism in the region.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Oleksandr Chuchalin


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