The focus of this article is the study of the place of Ukrainian national motifs in the art culture of the Ukrainian SSR during the 60’s – 70’s of the 20th century on the example of theatre and cinema art, demonstration of protest of the Ukrainian intelligentsia against russification and denationalization of the indigenous people of Ukraine. Research methodology. During the research, such scientific methods as analytical-logical, historical-systemic, explanation, search, synthesis, comparison, complex selection were applied. The work also used the method of analysis is to find out the level of growth of national consciousness of Ukrainians. Scientific novelty. It was found that the beginning of the 1960’s was characterized by a certain rise of Ukrainian issues in art culture, however since the second half 60’s and during the 70’s of the twentieth century the Ukrainian national motives began to be actively pushed out of the movie screens and theatrical stages of the USSR etc. It is argued that the opposition of the Ukrainian creative intelligentsia to the Soviet totalitarian system resulted in cultural and artistic nonconformism. Conclusions. Despite oppression and repression by the ruling communist elite, Ukrainian artists sought to promote Ukraine’s past, reveal the multifaceted national culture of the indigenous people of the USSR, and demonstrate to the world its uniqueness and right to exist. The process of revival of the national face of Ukrainian culture, return from the depths of folk art, the relationship between national and spiritual was becoming irreversible. The spirit of free thought, moral and aesthetic innovations, struggle rights to indigenous art filled the activities of young talented Ukrainians.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nadia Kindrachuk, Tetiana Meleshchenko