Activity of the board of special public investigators at the provincial revolutionary tribunal in Podillia
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The revolutionary tribunal, the board of special public investigators, pre-trial investigation, the Soviet criminal process

How to Cite

Havryshchuk, V. (2020). Activity of the board of special public investigators at the provincial revolutionary tribunal in Podillia. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 32, 32-41.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to determine the legislative and organizational-legal foundations for the functioning of the college of special public investigators at the provincial revolutionary tribunal. In addition, the author set out to investigate the features of the formation of the staff of the investigative collegiums at the provincial revolutionary tribunal in Podillia, to trace the procedural and legal aspects of the organization of the pre-trial investigation and the progress of the collegiums of cases. The methodology of the research is characterized by the use of general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. Also, special historical methods were used in the study: historical-chronological historical-comparative and historical-genetic. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time on archival materials the features of the formation of a college of special people's investigators at the provincial revolutionary tribunal were examined. In particular, the age, educational and vocational qualification level of special public investigators is characterized. Also analyzed are the features of the organization of pre-trial investigation and the progress of cases in the investigative board both in the provincial center and in the counties. In addition, the features of the introduction of prosecutorial supervision in Podillia province and its impact on the rule of law in the work of the college of special people's investigators were investigated. Conclusions. From the beginning of its formation and throughout its functioning, the college of special people's investigators at the Provincial Revolutionary Tribunal constantly had been feeling the lack of workers. This was partially due to the peculiarities of the personnel policy of the party-state apparatus, which provided for the rejection of representatives of pre-Soviet justice bodies and set political loyalty as the main criterion for appointing workers. This was partly due to the actions of the Communist Party provincial committee, other local committees and other local authorities, which constantly transferred workers from the investigative collegiums for other purposes without being replaced by new ones. In addition, special people's investigators could not effectively carry out their work due to insufficient qualifications and part-time work in other institutions. All this led to a delay in the pre-trial investigation, repeated violations of the procedural law and violations in the organization of accounting and the movement of criminal proceedings.

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