The aim of this article is to explore the features of the educational process in the Kyiv Theological Seminary during the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century. The authors examine the fundamental principles of the functioning of a secondary educational institution of the Russian Orthodox Church. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, and systematics. First of all, general scientific methods of historical knowledge—analysis, synthesis, and systematic analysis—are employed. Scientific novelty. The educational process at the Kyiv Theological Seminary during the late 19th and early 20th centuries is analyzed as an integral part of the spiritual education system of the Russian Empire on the Ukrainian lands. The study demonstrates the Russification-oriented nature of this process. Conclusions. The theological seminaries were a significant component of spiritual education in the Russian Empire, designed to train clergy as leaders of the imperial ideology within society. The Kyiv Theological Seminary was an integral part of this system, without any particular distinguishing features compared to other seminaries across the Empire. In the second half of the 19th century, a deliberate process of unification and centralization in the educational sphere was underway, with the 1867 and 1884 Seminary Statutes playing a crucial role. The educational process, as well as the overall activities of the Kyiv Theological Seminary, were strictly controlled by the Educational Committee of the Holy Synod. The curriculum was highly regulated and structured. Seminary students were under constant supervision by their instructors, ensuring their loyalty, if not devotion, to the Russian imperial regime. Graduation from the Kyiv Theological Seminary provided access to admission to the Kyiv Theological Academy, but only 1% of seminarians chose to continue their studies there.
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