The purpose of the study is to analyze the state and problems of sanitary affairs development in Volyn during the new economic policy (1921–1928). The methodology of the research is based on the principles of scientificity, historicism, objectivity, as well as general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special historical methods (historical-comparative, historical-statistical, historical-systemic). The scientific novelty of the article is a comprehensive study of the sanitary affairs development in Volyn during the NEP period based on the new archival documents involved to reveal the topic. Conclusions. Sanitary affairs in Volyn during the NEP (1921–1928) developed slowly, which was primarily due to the consequences of the civil war. In general, the sanitary and hygienic condition in this region was satisfactory, gradually improving. There was a fight against epidemics (typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, etc.), venereal diseases, and appropriate preventive measures were taken. However, the problems of insufficient financing of sanitary matters, the number of personnel, etc. remained. It is important to note that the development of sanitary affairs in the region required an increase in full-time certified doctors. The campaigning and explanatory work carried out by the sanitary education bodies to overcome epidemics can also be considered satisfactory. An examination of certain medical and children's institutions in Zhytomyr showed the presence of sanitary and hygienic problems, an increase in the number of patients with certain infectious diseases. In particular, the number of patients with venereal diseases has increased. The issue of recording the incidence of acute infectious diseases was relevant. Keeping trading places in bazaars clean was also important task. It was necessary to solve other problems of pollution in populated areas of the region. Sanitary affairs in Volyn, as well as in Ukraine, in the mentioned years required constant state support.
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