DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-29-36


  • OLENA STOLIARENKO Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professorVinnytsia Mykhailo KotsiubynskyiState Pedagogical University
  • OKSANA STOLIARENKO Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • OLGA MOSKOVCHUK Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Vinnytsia National Technical University


Key words: student-centered learning, personality-centered approach, humanization of education, subject-subject interaction, empirical study, interview, innovative pedagogical strategies, reflection


The present paper covers the student-centered educational approach principles and presents an empirical study held for student teachers at Vinnytsia State Pedagogic University, aiming to promote teaching and learning processes based on a student-centered approach. The article suggests the main principles of student-centered educational approaches which imply the fact of students and teachers relationship being grounded in mutual respect and reflexion about teaching and learning process. University teachers focus on students’ learning and seek for active and deep learning, and, therefore, students’ responsibility, accountability and autonomy. Student-centered approaches stimulate study, thinking and practice abilities because instead of being passive in the classroom, imitating teachers’ explanations and demonstrations, they are active in the learning process, developing independent thinking and self-regulated study. Self-and co-regulation skills are really important for students to be able to manage their time and effort focused on studies, thus increasing involvement. Universities should promote learning environments where students are active in their learning processes, producing their own knowledge instead of just repeating what teachers say. The findings of this study identify that the student-centered approach to teaching encourages students’ engagement in teaching-learning activities focusing on individual interaction to achieve common objectives. However, inadequate resources, lack of expertise on the part of teachers were the challenges to the teaching learning activities.

A student-centered educational process study was set up as a pedagogical research. The classes were initially planned based on interviews with teachers and students from the regular previous term and on open-answers questionnaires filled in by the students. At the end of the action research a new open-answer questionnaire was filled in by the students. The investigation showed and proved positive changes on students’ postures, engagement and learning. The findings indicated that student-centered practices were an interesting pedagogical approach for future teachers. Besides going further with the pedagogical research it is perceived the need to make similar studies at different Ukrainian Higher Educational establishments.



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