Value determination of personal self-fulfillment of gifted youth students at a teaching university


value determination, personal self-realization, gifted students, future teachers, professional training

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Value determination of personal self-fulfillment of gifted youth students at a teaching university. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(1), 27-35.


The study of the problem of personal self-realization of gifted youth is recognized as one of the priority directions in the conditions of European integration of higher education, as is proven in the article. Supporting gifted students becomes an important task for society. The value determination of the process of personal self-realization of gifted students is recognized as a priority way of solving this problem in the article. It is noted that this problem acquires special significance when it comes to the future teacher, who must acquire the appropriate skills for raising gifted children during the period of study in institutions of higher education. The concept of «giftedness» will be interpreted in the article as favorable prerequisites for the development, personal attitude, and orientation of a developing young person. At the same time, it is also an individual peculiarity of a person's abilities, thanks to which he achieves success in the chosen field of activity. The article also presents other interpretations of giftedness: as general abilities that determine a person's capabilities for certain activities; as a system of endowments, which are natural prerequisites for abilities; as individual characteristics of cognitive abilities; as the appropriate level of development of abilities that allow the individual to achieve success in various fields of activity; as a peculiar system of abilities in a person, the unity that they form and, in sum, contribute to high achievements. The authors single out the following types of giftedness: artistic giftedness in the fields of art, authorship, music, literature, and sculpture; leadership talent (high intelligence; ability to make decisions and plan for the future; flexibility; sense of responsibility; persistence and enthusiasm; self-confidence; ability to express oneself clearly); creative talent; and academic and intellectual giftedness (observation; sharp thinking; special memory; problem-solving abilities).



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Copyright (c) 2023 Olha Akimova, Mykyta Sapohov, Mykyta Koval


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