Features of the use of Smart technology in the training of master's students in universities of foreign countries


concept of Smart education, Smart environment of a higher education institution, Smart technologies in education, training of master's students in foreign countries, Smart-accompanying education seekers

How to Cite

Features of the use of Smart technology in the training of master’s students in universities of foreign countries. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(2), 15-24. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1203-2023(2)-15-24


The article delineates the distinctive characteristics of integrating Smart technologies into the education of master's students at foreign universities. It delineates the fundamental principles of scientific collaboration among European nations in the educational domain, as outlined in the Declaration on the European Higher Education Region within the overarching framework of the Bologna process. Emphasis is placed on key requirements of the Bologna Convention concerning professional training within Master's degree programmes, including the implementation of dual training cycles, fostering European cooperation at the Master's level to ensure educational quality, establishing criteria and methodologies for evaluating higher education quality, and facilitating student mobility opportunities. The Smart Education Concept is expounded upon, grounded on principles such as mobile access for digital services, fostering new knowledge creation for societal modernization, Smart guidance, and the establishment of an intelligent information environment. Specific principles of Smart education are elucidated, encompassing the utilisation of pertinent information to achieve educational outcomes, the organisation of creative, independent cognitive, research, project, and scientific activities, conducting training within an educational environment, and collaboration with employers and other stakeholders. The key features of Smart technologies in education pertinent to cultivating professional and pedagogical competence among master's students are identified, including seamlessness, accessibility, mobility, and continuous access to educational information; autonomy of educational stakeholders; utilisation of diverse motivational models for didactic interaction; assessing educational process effectiveness through competency indicators; and employing flexible approaches in organising educational activities for master's students. The structure of the educational process within the Smart environment is outlined, encompassing informational interaction among education seekers in an open model of asynchronous individual training, repositories, electronic and Smart textbooks, educational complexes, and methodological materials.



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