- physical culture, lessons, organization, methodology, basketball, means, full-time/distance learning
Modern demands of modernization of the educational process stimulate the creative quest of physical education teachers to introduce innovative forms and methods of teaching and learning, improve organizational and methodological approaches to giving lessons. The physical and mental health of secondary education students in the context of intensified oversaturation of the process of training students, together with the problems associated with martial law, require correct changes and careful study of the relevant range of issues, and therefore, professional analysis of the organization and teaching of physical education lessons. The purpose of the study is to identify modern organizational and methodological aspects of teaching physical education lessons using basketball based on the study of existing teachers’ experience. Materials and methods. The research was conducted using the following methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, data from the Internet; surveys; and mathematical calculations. Results. Based on a survey of 14 physical education teachers from the city of Kyiv and the region, the attitude of specialists to a number of controversial issues was revealed. The modern peculiarities of organizing and teaching physical education lessons using basketball were found out. The study revealed that in face-to-face learning, 42.9 % of respondents preferred a holistic and part-based teaching method, while 35 % favored game-based and competitive approaches. Verbal and visual methods each received 21.4 % of the votes, and 64.3 % chose the option "combine and apply all of the above." Regarding the choice of methods in the context of remote learning, significant preference was given to verbal (57.1 %) and visual (71.4 %) methods, while 50 % of teachers reported using holistic and part-based methods in their professional activities. Conclusions. Based on the opinions of these specialists, due to their work experience, we state that basketball in schools should be taught in a full-time format, using a variety of innovative approaches and methodological technologies that are appropriate for online/offline learning. There is a need to improve the material and technical base, which will optimize the mastery of technical and tactical exercises of the game of basketball and promote the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.
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