Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 1 (2024)
Physical culture, physical education of different population groups

Characteristics of preschool children's abilities development as a prerequisite for engaging in intellectual sports

Oksana Shynkaruk
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
Nadiia Chyzhevska
National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport

Published 2024-06-23


  • Cognitive abilities, intellectual sports, preschool children, attention, memory, thinking, speech, physical development, checkers

How to Cite

Characteristics of preschool children’s abilities development as a prerequisite for engaging in intellectual sports. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 1, 35-50.


Introduction. Intellectual sports, including checkers, are considered in modern society as a tool for child development. Children aged 4–6 actively explore the surrounding world and develop their cognitive abilities.

The goal is to investigate the age-specific characteristics of cognitive development in preschool-aged children to justify the appropriateness of engaging children aged 4–6 in intellectual sports.

Methods and organization of research. The research utilized methods such as analysis of scientific-methodological and specialized literature, Internet data; surveys; pedagogical observation and testing of children aged 4–6; expert evaluation methods; mathematical statistics methods.

Results. The study presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the development of preschool-aged children, including cognitive, socio-emotional, speech, and physical aspects of the age period of 4-6 years. It was found that intellectual sports, in particular checkers, significantly influence the development of cognitive abilities, improve attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech and physical skills. Expert evaluation using the concordance coefficient W = 0.66 confirmed a medium degree of agreement among experts regarding the significance of the considered development parameters for engaging in intellectual sports. The importance of socio-emotional development, interaction skills, emotional regulation, and self-control was proven. A comprehensive approach to the development of children in this age period promotes their harmonious growth and preparation for further education and socialization, highlighting the role of intellectual sports as a means of developing essential life skills. Conclusions. Engaging in checkers significantly affects the development of cognitive and social skills in preschool-aged children, stimulating communication, cooperation, and understanding, which are key for their successful education and socialization.


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