Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 4 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

The influence of different types of interaction as a factor of the success of joint activities of sports teams

Voytenko Serhiіy
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi

Published 2024-12-26


  • group interaction, group roles, joint-interconnected types, joint-individual types, joint-synergistic types, joint-sequential types

How to Cite

The influence of different types of interaction as a factor of the success of joint activities of sports teams. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 4, 51-66.


Topicality. Research on qualitative indicators of joint activity of sports teams with different types of interaction is a topical problem of sports science and practice. Evidence of this is the expansion of the repertoire of team sports, initiated by international sports federations. As a result, the representation of team sports in the programs of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, world championships, continental championships, etc. The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of different types of interaction on qualitative indicators of joint activity of sports teams and to identify psychological and social factors that contribute to increasing the effectiveness of teamwork in competitive activities. Material and methods of the study. Analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; questionnaires, psychodiagnostic testing of athletes according to methods; methods of mathematical statistics (analysis of averages, ranking, nonparametric analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis H-criterion). The study involved 325 athletes aged 13 to 41 years, of various qualifications, including 260 men and 65 women. Results of the study. A comparative analysis of qualitative indicators of joint activity of group self-esteem, group organization, group identity, group interaction, group subjectivity, group roles, group effectiveness of sports teams with different types of interaction was carried out. The ranking of average statistical data established the rating of sports teams with different types of interaction. The highest sum of ranks (19) was received by teams with the type of interaction joint-synergistic (JSy), while the lowest indicators (11) were recorded in teams with the type of joint-interconnected (JIt). Intermediate values of ranks were received by teams with the types of interaction joint-individual (JIn) – 18 and joint-sequential (JSe) – 12 ranks. Conclusions. In joint-synergistic (JSy) teams, the individual efforts of athletes and the assessment of partners’ actions create a favorable background for the development of a holistic group resource. This type of interaction is the most sensitive to the actions of partners, which positively affects the overall efficiency and group result. In contrast, athletes of joint-interconnected (JIt) teams feel such commonality the least.


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