No. 36 (2023)
Functional semantics of lexical units. The theory of nomination

Functional aspects of religious vocabulary in polish language textbooks(Hurra!!! Po polsku 1,2,3)
Oleksii Pavliuk
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2023-06-21


  • general religious concepts, Catholic, cultural context, textbooks for learning the Polish language, religious vocabulary, holiday themes

How to Cite

Functional aspects of religious vocabulary in polish language textbooks(Hurra!!! Po polsku 1,2,3). (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: Philology (Linguistics), 36, 21-29.


Introduction. Over the last five centuries, the functioning of Polish educational literature has certainly gone through its stages of formation and development. The religious lexical element in such manuals remained an integral part of the presentation of Polish culture. In the 21st century, modern methods of foreign language teaching pay a lot of attention to the socio-cultural component, thanks to the combination of the process of in-depth study of culture (in particular, the communicative part). The article analyzes materials for learning Polish as a foreign language Hurra!!! Po polsku 1,2,3 in a new format for the presence of religious vocabulary and its functional aspects.

The purpose of the article: to single out groups of religious concepts and terms that are directly related to religion or the cultural and religious tradition of the Polish people and to characterize the concepts according to the religious context.

Methods. The main method used is the method of analyzing the presence of religious vocabulary in educational materials. The functional method is used to organize religious concepts. Discourse analysis of selected religious concepts and their translation is also applied.

The results. The article singles out groups of religious concepts and terms that are directly related to religion or the cultural and religious tradition of the Polish people. Concepts with a religious context, which are typical of the Polish cultural environment, are characterized. Groups of words belonging to Polish religious traditions and general religious concepts are singled out. The main categories of religious meanings and terms have been formed. The analysis of ambiguous religious concepts in the context of their translation and use was carried out.

Originality. The series of textbooks of the 2020-2021 edition on the subject of religious vocabulary has not yet been studied, so the material can serve practitioners and theorists as a basis for researching Polish language textbooks and their functional application in practice.


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