The purpose of the article is to determine, based on the analysis of the statistical materials of the 1926 population census, the ethnic composition of village councils and the rural population of Eastern Podillia, namely Vinnytsia, Mogilev, and Tulchyn districts, and to establish the proportionality of the representation of ethnic groups in village councils to their overall share among the rural population. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction) and special-historical (historiographical scientific analysis, structural-systemic) methods with the principles of historicism, objectivity, scientificity, evidence, and the statistical method of research is also involved. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that on the basis of archival materials and the analysis of statistical data of the 1926 census, a comparative analysis of the ethnic composition of the rural population in all three districts of Eastern Podillia was carried out, and on the basis of the obtained statistical data, common features and differences in the ratio of the share of Ukrainians and ethnic minorities were established among the rural population as a whole and members of village councils in Vinnytsia, Mogilev and Tulchyn districts. Conclusions. According to the population census in 1926, the ethnic composition of the rural population and village councils of Vinnytsia, Mogilev and Tulchyn districts had a number of common characteristics. In particular, Ukrainians made up the absolute majority both in village councils and among the rural population, and the indicators in all three districts are almost identical. As for the ethnic minorities living on the territory of Eastern Podillia, their share was insignificant, both among the population and in village councils. As for the ratio between the share of each ethnic group among the rural population and village councils, the data are almost identical, the difference between them is small and fluctuates within the limits of statistical error.
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