Theoretical Fundamentals of Museum Visuality
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visual studies, visual culture, museum visuality, scientific approaches and methods, interdisciplinary approach

How to Cite

Mankovska, R., & Havryliuk, S. (2021). Theoretical Fundamentals of Museum Visuality. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 37, 93-100.


Based on modern visual discourse, the article views the issues of theoretical and methodological content related to museum visuality, analyzes scientific approaches and methods involved in visual culture, focuses on the features of visualization and decoding of museum space, the specifics of its modeling and interpretation of visual structures. The article aims to analyze the theoretical foundations of museum visuality, which involves solving the problem of identifying the specifics of theoretical and methodological tools for the study of visuality in museology and necessitated by the development of the modern interdisciplinary subject of visual studios – in the context of which museum visuality as a specific form of visual culture, acquires new features. The research methodology consists of scientific approaches and methods of socio-humanitarian direction, such as hermeneutical, cultural, semantic, semiotic, social, and psychoanalytical. The attention is drawn to the interdisciplinary approach as a major in visual studies. Comprehensive theoretical analysis of museum visuality enabled a more profound understanding of its possibilities. The scientific novelty lies in relevant theoretical and methodological principles through the cultural concept of the visuality’s synergy and museology. The article analyzes the methodological basis of museum visuality, for the first time distinguishing it from visual culture, and identifies the specifics of the theoretical mechanism functioning in museum space. Conclusions.The theoretical foundations of visual studies have significantly expanded the possibilities of museology as a scientific field and involved in modern museum practices, which have significantly transformed the museum space. The study of the theoretical chapter of museum visuality proves the significance of an interdisciplinary approach as a major one, especially in the development of visual technologies used in museum practices.

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