The aim of the article is to analyze the markers and determinants of the construction of Soviet identity in the socio-cultural space of Vinnytsia through the prism of the cultural landscape based on field materials collected during expeditions by students of the Faculty of History, Law and Public Administration (now – the Faculty of History) and educators of the Department of History and Culture of Ukraine (now – the Department of Culture, Methods of Teaching History and Special Historical Disciplines) of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University in 2020. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization) with the principles of historicism, systematics, science and verification. It is carried out in an interdisciplinary dimension – through the “cultural landscape” (in the context of anthropology of the space) as well as memory discourses, methodology of visual anthropology, theoretical and methodological approaches to the construction and interaction of identities. The scientific novelty of the research is to implement new field material into the scientific discourse according to the determinants of the manifestation of Soviet identity in the socio-cultural space of Vinnytsia region, which are traced through the prism of the cultural landscape. This was made possible by a systematic analysis of the objects of material culture (toponymy, symbolism, architecture, memorial sites, etc.) with a variety of worldviews and behavioral practices. Conclusions. The prospects of the research are both in the context of scientific studies and the sociopolitical and public life of Vinnytsia region. This is аbout the impossibility of further formation of a positive image of the Soviet past, which against the background of “dual identity” seriously hampers the processes of regional and national-cultural self-presentation. The mechanisms of constructing the Soviet identity as a component of the sociocultural identity of Vinnytsia residents are outlined through the prism of decentralization reform, emphasizing the expression of the region’s identity by rethinking the cultural landscape in the post-Soviet space.
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РФ ННЛІЕСхП ВДПУ – Рукописний фонд навчально-наукової лабораторії з історії та етнології Східного Поділля Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського

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Copyright (c) 2022 Natalka Zhmud, Valentyna Hrebenova