The aim of the article is to study the development of the Polish national movement in Galicia during World War I. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, problem-chronological, historical-systemic. Scientific novelty: for the first time in the national historiography the genesis of the Galicia Polish national idea in 1914-1918 and the activity of local Polish politicians for its realization were comprehensively researched. Conclusions: Due to the liberal political regime of Austria-Hungary, the Polish national movement of Galicia achieved significant results in the end of nineteenth - beginning of twentieth century. Therefore, the Polish political elite saw at the beginning of World War I a chance to liberate Polish lands from the Russian Empire and restore its national state. According to most members of the Polish national movement, the achievement of this aim should have been based on support and close union with the Habsburg monarchy. As a result, all Polish parties in Galicia and their representatives of the Vienna Parliament solemnly sided with Austria and the Fourth Union in the world conflict. During the first stage of World War, the Polish society of the region supported Austria-Hungary enthusiastically and helped to form national subdivision within the Austrian army - the Polish Legions. The situation sustained a radical change after the signed an agreement of the Fourth Union with the Ukrainian National's Republic. A covert addition to this document provided for the division of Galicia on national feature. This undermined the trust of Polish politicum and society to Vienna. However, American president Wilson in his "14 theses" guaranteed the restoration of the Polish state with access to the sea in January 1918. Besides, with the entry of the United States into the war on the side of the Entente, the Fourth Union practically lost its chances of military victory. Therefore, in the end of 1918, the Galicia’s Polish political elite realized the necessity of unification to rebuild the Polish state within the borders of 1772 without the Fourth Union’s support.
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