Trends in the Economic Transformation of Industry of Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 1991–2002
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economy, economic transformation, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, industry, reforms

How to Cite

Drapushko, N. (2022). Trends in the Economic Transformation of Industry of Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 1991–2002. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 41, 73-79.


The purpose of the article is to research and identify the main trends in the transformation of the economy of the Republic of Crimea in 1991–2002 in order to understand the experience of reforming the economy and its reconstruction in the future. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of scientificity, objectivity, systematicity, historicism, and also includes methods of analysis, synthesis, and classification. The use of scientific methodology provided an objective coverage of the mentioned issues. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, on the basis of statistical materials, the author revealed the main trends of the economic transformation of the industry of the Republic of Crimea in the post-Soviet period in 1991–2002, analyzed the peculiarities of changes in the industry of the region, revealed the main problems of the economy of the Republic of Crimea in the post-Soviet period, determined the patterns and regional features of reforming the Soviet economy. The article also outlines the fundamental socio-economic problems that the Crimean Autonomous Republic inherited from the USSR and ways to eliminate them. Conclusions. In the defined period of 1991–2002, there was an evolution of the economy in the direction of liberalization of the market economy. As for industry, it has lost its dominant position in favor of agriculture, trade, and the resort and sanatorium economy. The economy of the transition period faced a number of new problems. There was a complete decline of some branches of heavy industry and the complete disappearance of some of them, for example, iron ore and ferrous metallurgy. Other branches of production to one degree or another were able to adapt to the new conditions, which primarily concerns light industry enterprises. The biggest problems of the transition period include both purely economic ones – lack of own currency and tinization, and non-economic ones – first of all, the influence of the criminal world on economic processes.

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