The article is sanctified to research of modern domestic historiographyin relation to activity of bolshevist power in the Polish and Romanian camps Army of UPR with the aim of curriculum of internee . Methodology, historiography, research sources, is considered. The systematized and analysed historiography sources educed, on issue for 1921–2017, their classification is carried out. The all-round study of sources allowed complex to analyse historiography work of the Ukrainian and foreign historians in relation to methods and methods that was used by the special services of soviet power of internee Army of UPR, with the aim of disorganization.
A structure and plenitude of knowledges of modern domestic researchers was about all period of stay of internee Army UNR in the camps of Poland and Romania. It was rotined that researchers selected the basic methods of fight against military emigration of the soviet special services: physical elimination of the most dangerous «enemies», repatriation, organization of having a special purpose specoperaciy, pidkidannya of compromising materials, is on leading political and soldiery figures, manufacturing of documents, which exasperated enmity between separate. Underlined, that the bolshevist special services in camps for an internee often operated insidious methods, tried to play on senses of people, which were long time torn off from a paternal house and experienced for native them people.
In the articles selected there were questions above which worked domestic specialists. Among them is activity of diplomatic representative offices of UKRAINE with the purpose of bringing in on the side of soviet power of the left parties of Poland with their next used of Ukrainian political and military emigration; analysised of such methods which applied for its time-table camps of Poland and Romania of the special service of bolshevists, as stravlyuvannya of the internee Ukrainian warriors which had a different political orientation, compromising. The subsequent study of afore-named questions will allow to bring on a higher scientific level the analysis of the problem probed in the article.
Key words: Ukrainian foreign historiography, historiographical process, interned Army of the UPR, Ukrainian military emigration, repatriation, Soviet special services.
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