Violence against the civilian population of Ukraine. Documents of secret services. 1941-1944 / Compiled by Valerii Vasyliev, Natalia Kashevarova, Olena Lysenko, Mariia Panova, Roman Podkur. K.: Publisher V. Zakharenko, 2018. 752 p.
pdf (Ukrainian)


violence, murder, destruction, documents, Nazism, occupation

How to Cite

Kravchenko, P. (2019). Violence against the civilian population of Ukraine. Documents of secret services. 1941-1944 / Compiled by Valerii Vasyliev, Natalia Kashevarova, Olena Lysenko, Mariia Panova, Roman Podkur. K.: Publisher V. Zakharenko, 2018. 752 p. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 30, 108-110.


The article reviews the book of collected documents of the Nazi and Soviet special services which confirm the use of violence against the civilian population of Ukraine during the German-Soviet war. A significant amount of archival material has been open to the public for the first time and provides a scientific community with an opportunity for a more thorough examination of the forms and methods used in mass destruction of people.

pdf (Ukrainian)


Насильство над цивільним населенням України. Документи спецслужб. 1941-1944 / Автори-укладачі: Валерій Васильєв, Наталя Кашеварова, Олена Лисенко, Марія Панова, Роман Подкур. — К.: Видавець В. Захаренко, 2018.— 752 с.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History


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