Myron Korduba and Mykhailo Hrushevsky: an Attempt to Reconstruct Intellectual Relations At the Turn of the 19 – 20-th Centuries
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M. Korduba, M. Hrushevsky, intellectual relations, Lviv historical school

How to Cite

Batiuk, T. (2022). Myron Korduba and Mykhailo Hrushevsky: an Attempt to Reconstruct Intellectual Relations At the Turn of the 19 – 20-th Centuries. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 39, 90-96.


The article aims to reconstruct the intellectual relations between M. Korduba and M. Hrushevsky, which had an important influence on Ukrainian historiography of the late XIX - early XX centuries. The research methodology is based on traditional principles (historicism and objectivity) and general and special-historical methods of historiographical research. The scientific novelty of the article is an attempt to comprehensively reproduce the creative contacts of M. Korduba and M. Hrushevsky during 1894-1914. Conclusions. The intellectual relations between M. Hrushevsky and M. Korduba were highly intense during the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. The tone of this dialogue was set, of course, by a Lviv professor who became a real mentor for a novice scientist and helped him master the secrets of the historical profession. Thus, under M. Hrushevsky's leadership, M. Kordub developed his own research culture. Hrushevsky's initiative and assistance helped him form the skills of a scientific reviewer and archeographer. After all, under the influence of the intellectual charisma of the teacher, the young scientist became a Ukrainian intellectual, aware of his tasks before him. However, the democratic attitude of M. Hrushevsky in communication with young people allowed some reverse intellectual influences. They, for example, affected the efforts of M. Korduba to draw teachers' attention to the heuristic possibilities of methodological models offered by the historiographical fashion of the time. The result of such intellectual mutual enrichment and professional cooperation was the dynamic modernization of Ukrainian humanities in the early twentieth century. The historians under study in this article took the most active part.

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