The article describes historical and cultural factors that influenced the formation of the architecture school of Slobozhanshchyna, which had two directions: Okhtyrsky and Limansky. The article deals with the characteristics of these directions and monuments of church construction. The purpose of the article is to characterize the conditions for the formation of architecture schools of Slobidska Ukraine, the disclosure of the features and differences in the monuments of the church architecture of Slobidska Ukraine. Methodology. To disclose the goal in the article, a number of methods are used: general scientific and special-historical (systemic, comparative historical, problem-chronological, etc.). Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the influence of historical events for the formation of culture of the region. It is indicated by the basis, which formed architectural schools and characterized features of architectural construction of Slobidska Ukraine. Considered modern monuments and lost objects of the architectural heritage of Slobozhanshchyna. The importance of the Kharkiv Collegium in the architectural education of the region is considered. Conclusions. Thus, the Sloboda architectural school is an integral part of the architectural property of Ukraine. Based on Ukrainian traditions and due to the support of the Cossack heads, in Slobsdska Ukraine were built churches according to the canons of Slobodsky architecture. In the second half of the 18-th century in church construction, the classical style was popular in Europe. But it is more characteristic of manor temples. The peculiarity of the church architecture of Sloboda Ukraine was an altitudinal disclosure of space, the temples had three parts. All buildings were executed in cross-dome planning. Due to the fact that the main construction material is a tree, most of the buildings have not been preserved. The most ancient buildings of the architecture school of Slobozhanshchyna of the 17-th century there are stone temples of Izum (1684) and Kharkiv (1689).
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