The purpose of the article is to analyze the role of religion in the daily life of the Podolsk village in the 20's of the twentieth century. , characterization of the process of social adaptation of the peasantry in the conditions of Soviet reality, revealing the peasantry's attitude to the anti-religious policy of the Bolshevik authorities.
The methodology of the research is based on problematic and microhistorical approaches and on the principles of scientific, objectivism, historicism and non-confessionality. Their complex application made it possible to focus on the problem of Podilsky village's attitude to religion, its role in everyday life of peasant environment. Thanks to the methods of analysis and synthesis it was possible to carry out the selection of facts, formulate generalizations and conclusions; descriptive, problem-chronological and critical methods were used to compare the information received from different sources. The scientific novelty of the work is based on a detailed analysis of the impact of religion on the everyday life of the Ukrainian village on the example of one of its regions - Podillya. The article investigates the origins of his religiosity, confirms the thesis that the Orthodox Church has always occupied a special place in the life of all sections of the Ukrainian village. Issues of relations between the Podil peasantry and the Bolshevik authorities were further developed, and the content of concepts and terms related to the religious life of the Ukrainian village in the 1920s was improved. Conclusions. In the 1920's. religion occupied a special place in the everyday life of the Ukrainian village and was a significant means of influencing the public consciousness. Therefore, the fight against religion was important for the introduction of a lifestyle that was tied to the Bolshevik-Soviet system. The authorities did their best to displace church structures from peasant life. The anti-Church policy, which had its specificity in the Podillya, was aimed at weakening the position of the Orthodox Church, displacing it from public and daily life. As part of anti-religious activities, the Bolshevik leadership exerted political, moral and physical oppression - restrictions on the rights of believers, harassment of worshipers, intimidation and violence. However, neither anti-religious propaganda, nor mass anti-religious campaigns, nor forceful methods have ensured the achievement of depriving the village of faith and abandoning religious beliefs. The peasantry was openly opposed to the atheism, and religion continued to be a determining factor in everyday life in the countryside.
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