The purpose of the research is to find out the prerequisites for the creation of a veterinary paramedic school in Zhytomyr and to analyze the process of its formation and activity in wartime conditions. The research methodology involves a combination of special historical methods of knowledge: comparative, structural and functional analysis. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the problem became the object of a special study for the first time. Based on the materials of the State Archive of the Zhytomyr region, the complex process of creating a new educational institution, which is extremely necessary for the economy of the region in wartime conditions, is traced. Conclusions. Wartime conditions left an imprint on all spheres of life, made it difficult to solve many urgent tasks. One of these was the opening of a veterinary paramedic school in Zhytomyr, the need for which had been discussed for a long time. The initial stage of establishment and organization of the educational institution was accompanied by many difficulties. Firstly, it was difficult to plan salary expenses in connection with inflation, secondly, there was a lack of educational and methodological base, which necessitated the development of training programs, purchase of equipment, etc. Correspondence with other educational institutions, which already had experience in organizing veterinary paramedic education, did not bring the expected result. Finding the building and arranging the surrounding area was a difficult problem. But, despite these difficulties, the Zhytomyr veterinary and paramedic school started its work. In that difficult time, it was even possible to solve the issue of social support for students of the educational institution, who were provided with housing, paid scholarships and provided food assistance. The historical experience of the establishment and operation of an educational institution in wartime conditions is indicative and instructive in the sense of the implementation of joint efforts of local authorities and the public.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Неля Романюк, Геннадій Махорін, Ірина Лігоміна