Activities of Ukrainian Public Organizations in Drohobych County in the Conditions of the Revival of Ukrainian Statehood (1918–1919): According to the Materials of the Newspaper «Drohobytsky Lystok» («Drohobych Leaf»)
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Drohobych District, Western Ukrainian People's Republic, newspaper «Drohobych Leaf», public organizations, Ukrainian state formation

How to Cite

Haliv, M., Batiuk, T., & Shykitka, D. (2023). Activities of Ukrainian Public Organizations in Drohobych County in the Conditions of the Revival of Ukrainian Statehood (1918–1919): According to the Materials of the Newspaper «Drohobytsky Lystok» («Drohobych Leaf»). Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 46, 86-93.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the activities of public organizations in Drohobych region in November 1919 – May 1919, based on the analysis of the materials of the newspaper «Drohobych Leaf». The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, objectivity, as well as the frontal-heuristic method of processing press publications and methods of internal criticism of historical sources. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the public life of the Ukrainian population of the Drohobych District of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic has been revealed. Conclusions. The newspaper «Drohobych Leaf» contains rich, sometimes unique information about the events in Drohobych District during the years of the construction of Ukrainian statehood. It is from her that we learn about the activities of public organizations in the Drohobych District: «Prosvita», «Silskyi Hospodar», «Women's Community», «Society for the Guardianship of the Ukrainian Soldier», «General Trade Workers’ Union» and others. These Ukrainian organizations supported state authorities and closely cooperated with them. Leading figures of Ukrainian public organizations (Hryhoriy Kuziv, Volodymyr Dydynskyi, Rudolph Skibinskyi, Ivan Lishchynskyi, etc.) were members of various levels of government. Therefore, a certain synergy was formed in the activities of the Ukrainian authorities and the public, which was caused, on the one hand, by the need of the authorities to rely on the Ukrainian public (especially in Drohobych and Boryslav, where a significant percentage of the population consisted of Poles and Jews), on the other hand, by the natural process of attracting active personnel from public organizations to government institutions, especially at the initial stage of state building. Unfortunately, the newspaper «Drohobych Leaf» does not have information about other public organizations of the county, the existence of which we learn from other sources (for example, about the local branch of the Society «Mutual Help of Galician and Bukovyna Teachers»).

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