The purpose of the article is to find out the peculiarities of the reception of the pre-revolutionary period of socio-political activity of M. Hrushevsky in Ukrainian foreign historiography (1940s - first half of the 1960s). Historical methods of historiographical research. The scientific novelty of the article is in the attempt to comprehensively reconstruct historiographical discussions around the socio-political activities of M. Hrushevsky of the pre-revolutionary period among Ukrainian foreign historians (1940s - first half of the 1960s.) Conclusions. Ukrainian foreign historiography of the 1940s and the first half of the 1960s was very interested in the pre-revolutionary period of M. Hrushevsky's socio-political activity. At the same time, the assessments of his public initiatives mainly were complementary. They were based on the understanding of the conciliar imperative of all the author's work of the History of Ukraine-Russia. In their reconstructions of the scientist's biography, diasporic Ukrainian studies were usually not original and focused mainly on the historiographical tradition of the previous period. At the same time, memoirs of contemporaries of M. Hrushevsky, who was lucky enough to be on the other side of the "Iron Curtain", brought a lot of new facts and new interpretive models. Also, the general progress of the Ukrainian humanities in the free world suggested a contemporary rethinking of classical Hrushevsky studies. For example, thanks to this, a completely original view of Hrushevsky's public journalism was formed. In general, Hrushevsky's research of the twenty-fifth year enabled the emergence of a new interdisciplinary branch about the Great Ukrainian.
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