Establishment and Development of Passionmusic as a Reflection of Religiousand Artistic Processes in European Culture
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passion music, psalm passion, response passion, motet passion, oratorical passion, extra polarity of the genre, art circularization

How to Cite

Vereshchahina-Bilavska, O. (2017). Establishment and Development of Passionmusic as a Reflection of Religiousand Artistic Processes in European Culture. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 25, 257-262.


The author characterizes the main historical types of passion genre and reveals social and cultural factors of its appearance, connection with the outlook of a certain century, peculiarities of religious situation and an esthetic request of the society. The article defines the essence of genre evolution and the reasons of its decline in the context of specific contemporary European outlook.

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