Sacred compositions of Mykola Leontovych
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liturgy, kant, polyphonic style, counterpoint, polyphony, musical recitative, melos, chiruvin piano

How to Cite

Zavalniuk, A. (2018). Sacred compositions of Mykola Leontovych. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 26, 34-39.


The article deals with the main genres of religious choral works by prominent Ukrainian composer M.D. Leontovich. In particular, such as old chants, religious carols, psalms and canti, chiravim songs and "Liturgy of John Chrysostom". In these works, the composer demonstrated the melodious affinity of folk melody with highly professional original, polyphonic, and spiritual works. In all kinds of church singing M. Leontovich has shown himself as an unrivaled master of the genre and his civic commitment to national spiritual music. Created by the composer church works are distinguished by high perfection and artistic quality, remain an example for the following composers in the writing of Ukrainian spiritual music.

pdf (Ukrainian)


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