DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-70-67-73


  • VASYL KAPLINSKYI Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professorVinnytsia Mykhailo KotsiubynskyiState Pedagogical University


problem-pedagogical situation, pedagogical task, algorithm for solving pedagogical situations, creative potential of the future teacher


The article reflects the enrichment of the creative potential of the future teacher by solving problem-pedagogical situations, since the professional development of a teacher involves the mandatory mastery of the experience of research and creative activity. On the basis of the generalization of the approaches of step-by-step analysis of the problem-pedagogical situation, a technology for its solution has been developed, according to which the achievement of the expected result involves the understanding and awareness of the problem, goal setting, and the actualization of pedagogical knowledge as theoretical positions for solving the situation; choosing the optimal way to influence the situation; design of backlash and further development of events; implementation of the optimal method of influence and its communicative support. The content of the article is based on the use of the author's manual "100 difficult situations in lessons and outside of lessons: looking for solutions" with various pedagogical situations proposed for analysis and solution: with ready-made solution options that require critical thinking and evaluation in terms of compliance or inconsistency with the circumstances; with the task of predicting the consequences of the proposed options and supplementing them with their own considerations; situations, the continuation of which (optimal solutions) are presented at the end of the collection, and the student turns to them after his own attempts to predict the development of events and compares his predictions with real solutions; unfinished situations that offer to independently model one's own options for further behavior; situations with specific tasks for each, aimed at realizing the student's creative potential; with the construction of creative models of the teacher's self-presentation when meeting the students for the first time; situations that combine several problems and require special attention to the content of events, etc. Thus, solving them, the future teacher gradually masters the experience of creative activity.


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