The purpose of the work is to reveal specific issues of climate change, their impact on the development and management of agriculture in Ukraine, caused by intense warming: uneven distribution of precipitation; the increase in the number and intensity of extreme weather phenomena - droughts (droughts), dry spells, etc., as well as the scientific development of Ukrainian scientists in developing the problem. Methodology. The specified historical research is based on the use of general scientific principles of objectivity, systematicity, historicism, comprehensiveness. The subject-chronological and comparative-historical methods used by us are of great importance and their synthetic role in reflecting the progressive development of knowledge about climate change and finding ways to prevent negative effects on agricultural plants. The comparative-historical method contributed to the selection and characterization of the peculiarities of the accumulation of knowledge about extreme climatic phenomena, their development within the climatic zones of Ukraine. By analyzing the scientific work of scientists, the process of overcoming current problems, implementing new scientific developments into practice is traced. The scientific novelty consists in the generalization of the scientific achievements of scientific research institutions of Ukraine on the study of the nature of global climatic phenomena, their influence on the development of agricultural production in different soil and climatic zones of the country through the ways of overcoming crisis phenomena proposed by Ukrainian scientists. For the first time, the works of the outstanding scientist-agriculturalist A. O. Babich of the late 90s and early decades of the 20th century on the problem of global climate change became the object of a separate scientific study. Conclusions. In conclusion, we note that further global and regional climate warming can cause irreversible climate changes with a violation of the climatic balance, and the consequences of dangerous natural hydrometeorological phenomena can become catastrophic, which can lead to changes in the conditions of human life. As the analysis showed, droughts are exacerbated by high plowing of agricultural land, non-compliance with the soil protection system of land cultivation, weak development of moisture-saving technologies and drought-resistant crops and varieties. The industry of crop production is most affected by the adverse factors of drought, dry spells and dust storms, which are often characterized by unpredictability both in terms of their manifestations and the force of their impact on crops. In order to conduct agricultural production, there is a need to review the structure of sown areas by climatic zones of Ukraine, to include in the range of growing adapted to the phenomena of dehydration and prolonged overheating during the hot period and drought, the newest adapted varieties of plants. The efforts of agrarian science and production should be directed not to the exhaustion of natural forces, but to the neutralization and weakening of the effect of droughts and dry spells by a system of measures, including the results of the latest research in meteorology, agriculture and crop production.
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