The Ukrainian people have always been characterized by a high spiritual culture, respect for customs and traditions, which are associated with a worldview that has developed over many centuries and has preserved signs of pre-Christian beliefs. The topic is researched on the basis of archival, field and ethnographic materials that allow us to comprehensively present the features of the building rituals of this region. The article examines the traditions and rituals of the toloka, as an ancient Ukrainian custom organized in the village for group work. The ways of avoiding demonological danger during housewarming and moving to a new home are traced. The purpose of the article is to study and analyze new and little-known information in the works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers about the components of folk construction rituals - "toloka" and "novosillya", which took place in the territories of Dnieper Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century. The methodological basis of the article is the main methods of ethnological science: comparative-historical, comparative-chronological, retrospective, analysis of historical reconstruction, direct field observation, interviewing, polling, recording and systematization of materials. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the features of the definition of the concepts of "toloka" and "novosillya", such an analysis will help to avoid the limitations of the definition of the concept and allow us to develop a more effective approach to the definition of this concept. Conclusions. In the context of the analysis of rituals, the significance of the relevant folk traditions of our ancestors, their use and distribution in the second half of the 20th century, their significance for the establishment of cultural identity and the preservation of historical memory were clarified. This study is based on ethnographic materials collected by the author in the territory of Dnieper Ukraine. The prospects for further research into the concepts of "toloka" and "novosil'ya" lie in developing more effective approaches to the preservation and use of Ukraine's cultural heritage.
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