The purpose of the article is an attempt to make an objective research of the construction process of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, to clarify the breaches that were committed in the course of its construction in the structures of reactors that led to the accident. The purpose is also the authors' attempt to cover the accident at the nuclear power plant, its chronology, causes and scale. The issue chosen for the research is extremely relevant, as Chernobyl is a tragedy of the whole world. Further development of nuclear energy should be accompanied by improved measures to ensure the reliability and safety of reactor exploitation, as well as to prevent examples of nuclear terrorism, which is currently being committed by the Russian Federation during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The occupation of Ukrainian nuclear power plants by the Russian Federation is currently a real nuclear threat due to the lack of proper control over the functioning of these facilities. Therefore, our task is to comprehend the lessons and heritage of Chernobyl. The research methodology is based on the use of the principles of historicism, systematic approach in the analysis of historical processes, scientific objectivity. Special historical methods were also effective: problem-chronological, comparative-historical, historical-systemic. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the complex elaboration of the topic in close interrelation of the events that took place during the considered period. The data on errors in the design of the nuclear facility, neglect of statements about systemic violations during construction and installation works by the party leaders are summarized. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the historiographical and source base, it can be confidently stated that from the beginning of the construction to the moment of the accident the secret agencies repeatedly informed the Soviet Union leadership about mistakes and defects in the design of the nuclear facility. It was found out that the disaster could have been prevented. However, neglect by the political elite and state authorities of statements about systemic breaches during construction and installation works, low safety measures led to a man-made disaster in the history of mankind. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred as a result of significant technical errors in the construction of the reactor, although the authorities clearly blamed the operating staff. Thus, the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant for the whole world became a sort of a "symbol" of the totalitarian regime of the Soviet Union - a state for which in the first place were its own ideological interests and desire to be ahead of the West in everything, proving its power with the lives of thousands of innocent people.
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