The purpose of the article is an attempt to objectively cover the organizational and legal basis of military-economic cooperation between the Soviet Union and the United States and Great Britain at the beginning of World War II. Efforts have been made to prove that the Soviet Union was also interested in providing logistical assistance to prevent its defeat in the Soviet-Nazi war. The research methodology based on the principles of historicism, systematics, objectivity, generalization. Preference was given to such special historical methods as historical-systemic, problem-chronological, descriptive, comparative-historical. Scientific novelty of the research is that an attempt was made to comprehensively analyze historiographical narratives to develop organizational and legal foundations of military-economic cooperation of the Soviet Union with the United States and Britain at the beginning of World War II. Conclusions. At first, USA foreign policy doctrine was based on deterring Nazi Germany with British help, but after the Soviet-German conflict, the USA and Britain changed their views on the USSR and saw it as an element in the war that would help weaken and destroy the Nazis on the continent. The defeat on the Soviet front in the early stages of the war was another catalyst that forced the United States and Britain to change their position, while the Soviet state also began to form an external doctrine on other approaches to unite with the anti-Hitler coalition. As a result of the Soviet-British-American agreements, the first protocol was ratified during the Moscow Conference, which allowed the United States to extend the influence of the Lend-Lease to the Soviet Union in the future. However, the inflow of foreign "defense materials" was accompanied by many contradictions, especially in 1941-1943. The main one was the slow development of the Allies' supply process in the USSR, which at the time was a small part of Soviet needs. Towards the end of the war, the contribution of the lease to the total military potential of the USSR increased significantly.References
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