The objective of this article is to determine the conditions and factors contributing to interreligious and state-confessional tolerance, development of partnerships, and harmonization of social and political life by means of examining the religious situation in Zhytomyr region. Methodology. The principles of systematicity and objectivity have sustained the analysis of the religious situation in the region within the general context of the church-religious relations in Ukraine in the system of social and political life and insured objective and impartial attitude to the activities of different confessions. The historical-typological, problem-chronological and comparative methods have allowed to identify problematic issues of contemporary religious life and trace the dynamics of the population’s religious preferences in terms of relations between the state and the church, particularly in the regional context. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the research presents the model of partnership relations between the regional authorities and religious associations and determines the factors contributing to social tolerance. Conclusions: From the analysis of the religious situation in Ukraine and Zhytomyr region and the overview of the main trends in the state-religious and interfaith relations, it is possible to conclude that the most essential factors and conditions that promote religious, social, and political tolerance include constructive cooperation between authorities and religious associations, resolving property, political and personal issues of religious organizations, involving them in the activities on the state, regional, and city levels, supporting initiatives aimed to solve social development problems, promote interfaith dialogue, and create platforms for interreligious relations.
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