Toponymic Practices in the Post-Soviet Vinnytsia (1992–2022)
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toponymy, toponymics, toponymic policy, toponymic practices, decommunization, decolonization, Vinnytsia

How to Cite

Karoyeva, T. (2023). Toponymic Practices in the Post-Soviet Vinnytsia (1992–2022). Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 43, 47-53.


The purpose of the research. To find out the specifics of toponymic practices in post-Soviet Vinnytsia in 1992–2022. Methodology. The methodological approach is based on the concept of «social production of space» by Henri Lefebvre, that is, the idea of creating space as a (re)creation of the existing system of social relations. His follower Maoz Azaryahu in toponymic policy and practice gives priority to the impulse coming from state structures, ruling parties, municipalities, etc. The more profound and significant changes in society seem to the authorities, the faster and more decisively they go to renaming. Scientific novelty. It is traced how the transformation of regional society was reflected in the toponymic practice in Vinnytsia. It is established that now its specificity is the active position of three actors: city authorities, professionals, and the local community. Conclusions. The scale of influence of each of the actors is different and depends on the configuration of interaction between them, although ultimately the decision remains with the authorities. On the part of the city authorities, topographical practice is a manifestation of commemorative policy at the local level, which certifies the entry of the city authorities into the nation-building process, and is a component of reputation policy. The readiness of the authorities to act is characterized by trust in professionals, as well as by the way the process of renaming is organized, and the rhythm of discussion and decision-making is ensured. Professionals, in Vinnytsia – historians, are trying to influence the symbolic construction of Vinnytsia’s identity, taking advantage of the window of political opportunities, within the limits that the community is ready to accept. The events of recent years have shown that the city community is included in the discussion not only by the prescribed legislative framework but also by the reality, the city authorities’ idea of a «strong community».

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Copyright (c) 2023 Тетяна Кароєва


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