


mobility, future teachers, professional training, professional mobility


The article describes certain features of training future biology teachers for professional mobility. The methods, techniques, and technologies that should be used for this purpose are described. For example: students studied the technological foundations of environmental activities of schoolchildren, technological problems of keeping plants and animals at school; maintenance of decorative birds; houseplants; environmental and regional studies activities of schoolchildren; geological observations; survey of water bodies; peculiarities of creation of ecological local history routes of the studied territories; environmental protection activities of schoolchildren, etc. These types of activities best prepared future biology teachers for professional mobility. They enabled them to switch from one type of activity to another, to change types of activity, to effectively use the system of professional techniques to perform certain tasks, to easily move from one type of future professional activity to another. Students created "Environmental portfolios". The effectiveness of using the following methods has been proven: the method of modeling professional situations, intellectual games, contests, quizzes, role-playing and business games, thematic evenings, conferences, didactic games and exercises, arranging new ecological paths; creation and implementation of environmental and local history information programs; creation of a mobile environmental center; conducting forums, seminars, conferences on the study of regional environmental problems; application of problem situations and problem tasks; introduction of ecological didactic games; performance of educational and research tasks by students; implementation of environmental projects of students together with students; conducting integrated lessons; labor environmental issues, etc. In the article, the professional mobility of future biology teachers is associated with their ability to successfully switch from one type of activity to another, to change types of activity in the field of education; the ability to effectively use the system of professional techniques to perform any tasks in the field of education, to easily switch from one type of future professional activity to another; possession of a high level of professional knowledge, experience of their improvement and independent acquisition.

Author Biographies


professor of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi

State Pedagogical University

St. Ostrozhkogo, 32, Vinnytsia


associate professor of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi

State Pedagogical University

St. Ostrozhkogo, 32, Vinnytsia


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