Reviewing procedure and adherence to editorial ethics

Reviewing procedure and adherence to editorial ethics

The journal accepts articles of theoretical and methodological nature on the above scientific issues. A manuscript that does not meet the subject matter or requirements of the publication may be rejected immediately by the Executive Editor.

The editorial board supports the world standards of transparency of the peer review process, so it practices double anonymous review of manuscripts: the author and the reviewer are not informed of each other's names. Previously, all their personal data is removed from the texts of articles and file properties.

Articles submitted to the journal are sent for review to two independent experts. Reviewers review the annotation of the article, then agree or refuse to review this material. In case of refusal - others are appointed.

Reviewers process the material and evaluate its scientific level by filling in the "Review Form", where they indicate their comments. Additionally, experts can download files with corrected manuscripts or materials that can be used in the process of finalizing the article.

Upon completion of the review process, all relevant information is sent to the author. The author is finalizing the manuscript and uploading a new version to the journal system. If the manuscript is not returned or the reasons for the delay are not reported to the editors, it is removed from the queue and removed.

Reviewers revisit the revised manuscript and provide guidance on the possibility of further publication.

Appeal procedure:

 - If the author does not agree with certain comments of the reviewer, he has the right to send an appeal to the editors in the format "reviewer's comments - the author's comment". This document is sent to the reviewer and a decision on the manuscript is made together with the editors.
- In the event that reviewers choose opposing resolutions on the submitted manuscript (accept / reject), the editors will contact them and jointly consider all comments to agree on a position on further publication of this material.
- If a decision cannot be made, the editorial board shall appoint an independent expert.