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Author Guidelines


  1. Methodological problems of introduction of information technologies and innovative teaching methods in educational process.
  2. Scientific and methodological support of the Concept of realization of the state policy in the sphere of reforming the general secondary education «New Ukrainian School».
  3. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education, education and development of students in vocational education institutions.
  4. Modern information technologies in the educational process of technical schools and colleges.
  5. Information technologies and innovative teaching methods in adult education and postgraduate education.
  6. Psychological and pedagogical principles of introduction of modern information technologies and methods of teaching student youth in higher educational establishments.
  7. Innovative models of continuing professional development of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and educational personnel


  • Language of the manuscript: Ukrainian, English, German, Polish, Russian.
  • Volume of the main text of the article – from 0,5 printed sheet (20000 symbols with spaces) till 1 printed sheet (40 000 symbols with spaces). Optimal article volume 5 printed sheet
  • The text should be typed in a text editor MS
  • Page options: format А4, all fields – 2 centimeters, without footers and page numbering.
  • Font of the main text Times New Roman, usual, lines without hyphenations.
  • Parameters of the paragraph:
    • alignment in width;
    • line spacing – 1;
    • indent of the first line – 1 cm;
    • interval between paragraphs – 0 mm.
  • UDC index (12 pt, align left, without indents of the first line).
  • Name of the author in Ukrainian (deployed, left alignment, bold font, 10 pt).
  • Degree, academic rank, position in Ukrainian (left alignment, 10 pt).
  • Place of work: name of the institution, locality, country in Ukrainian (left alignment, 10 pt).
  • Name of the author in English (deployed, left alignment, bold font, 10 pt).
  • Degree, academic rank, position in English (left alignment, 10 pt).
  • Place of work: name of the institution, locality, country in English (left alignment, 10 pt).
  • ORCID ID (left alignment, 10 pt).
  • E-mail (left alignment, italics, 10 pt).
  • Title of the article (12 pt, bold font, uppercase letters, paragraph without indents of the first line, center alignment).
  • Annotation in the article language: the word «Annotation» (bold font, 10 pt). Next in the same line is the abstract of the article (font is normal, in width, 10 pt). The abstract should be at least 1800 characters long.
  • Key words in the article language: the phrase «Key words:» (10 pt, bold font, italics). Then in the same line – from 3 to 8 key concepts of the research, separated by the sign « ; » (10 pt, normal font, alignment in width, indent on right and left – 1 cm).
  • The main text of the article (normal font, 12 pt) should consist of such sections:

(separate paragraph, indents: before 24, after – 12, bold font, 12 pt, capital letters, alignment on the left margin)

Formulation of the problem.

Analysis of the recent research and publications.

  • references to sources are given in square brackets, for example [10];
  • pages are separated by a comma [3, p. 35] – 3rd source page 35;
  • in the case of quoting several sources at the same time, it is necessary to list each number separately, in their own brackets, through a comma or a dash: [3; 4; 5; 6] or [3-6].

Aim of the article.

  • References (in the original language):
  • subheading «REFERENCES» (separate paragraph, indents: before 24, after – 12, bold font, 12 pt, capital letters, alignment on the left margin);
  • sources are numbered and organized in the list of references in the order of their mention in the text, the serial number is indicated in square brackets before the bibliographic description;
  • we recommend to list the sources used with no more than 30 items (type – 10 pt);
  • bibliographic description of the list of used sources can be made on the choice of the author taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 «Information and documentation. Bibliographic link. General terms and conditions of drafting» or according to one of the styles, belonging to the recommended list of styles for the list of scientific publications, provided in appendix 3 (додатку 3) Requirements for the dissertation, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 40 from01.2017. 
  • Annotation in English: the word «Annotation» (bold font, 10 pt). Next in the same line is the abstract of the article (font is normal, in width, 10 pt). The abstract should be at least 1800 characters long.
  • Key words in English: the phrase «Key words» (10 pt, bold font, italics). Then in the same line – from 3 to 8 key concepts of the research, separated by the sign « ; » (10 pt, normal font, alignment in width, indent on right and left – 1 cm).

Note: if the language of the article is English, then the second abstract and the keywords are given in Ukrainian. 

  • Translated and transliterated in Latin list of sources used:
  • subtitle «References (TRANSLATED AND TRANSLITERATED)» (separate paragraph, indents: before 24, after – 12, bold font, 12 pt, capital letters, alignment on the left margin);
  • translated and transliterated in Latin list of sources used (type 10 pt), is issued:
  • sources are numbered and organized in the list of references in the order of their mention in the text, the serial number is indicated in square brackets before the bibliographic description;
  • names of the authors and titles of magazines and publishing houses are transliterated in Latin;
  • names of articles and conferences are translated into English;
  • after each reference the original language of the source should be mentioned, for example (in Ukrainian) or (in English);
  • foreign sources remain unchangeable.

Names of scientific journals, conferences, organizations, publishing houses, scientific institutions should be mentioned abbreviated. The list of abbreviations can be found on the links:

The line «The material has been edited__.201_ » (10 pt, italics, align right).


  • The scientific journal is quarterly.
  • Acceptance of articles for the next issue is carried out until March 31, June 30, September 31 and December 31 of this year. URL:
  • The article is printed only if the results of the plagiarized test and blind review are positive.
  • The cost of publication in a printed copy of the collection is 895 UAH, in electronic -  695 UAH. PAYMENT for publications, please send by postal order to Lyubarska Lyudmila Andreevna to the address: st. Ostrozkoho, 32, Vinnytsia, 21001 (or hand it over in person, building 1, office 221, before 12.00), (tel. Mob. 097-494-51-30) but only after confirmation of receipt of materials.

Address of editorial board:

Ukraine,  21001, Vinnytsia, vul. Ostroz’koho, 32, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Educational and scientific institution of pedagogy, psychology, training of specialists of higher qualification.

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The names and e-mail addresses provided by users on the website of this journal will be used exclusively for internal technical tasks of this journal; they will not be distributed or passed on to third parties.