
  • Ірина Костиря Кафедра педагогіки та психології управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І.А. Зязюна


theoretical issues, leadership, leadership stance forming, future engineer, social competency, professional competency, pedagogic model, training and education process, technical higher education establishments


The article is devoted to clarifying theoretical issues as to leadership stance forming in students of technical higher
education establishments. In her work the author researches theoretical foundations on which is based the creation of quality
methodological support of training and education process when forming leadership stance in future engineers. In her research the
author views the problems of making up leadership stance in students of technical higher education establishments in philosophical,
psychological, and pedagogic aspects. The attention in the article is concentrated on the problems of forming social and professional
competency of a modern engineer within the context of leadership phenomenon under conditions of training and education process of
technical higher education establishments. The need in improvement of methods and mechanisms of training specialists-leaders in
higher education system is stressed upon. The author offers a model of leadership stance forming in future engineers in the course of
training and education process at technical higher education establishments. The article outlines the perspectives as to further
improvement of future engineers’ training at technical higher education establishments on the basis of enhancing humanitarian,
especially psychological and pedagogic training of specialists and of the educative character of teaching.


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Author Biography

  • Ірина Костиря, Кафедра педагогіки та психології управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І.А. Зязюна

    асистент кафедри педагогіки та психології управління соціальними
    системами ім. акад. І.А. Зязюна.


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How to Cite

THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF FORMATION OF LEADERSHIP POSITION OF FUTURE ENGINEERS IN HIGHER TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. (2017). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 48, 132-136.