
  • Olga Banit



інформаційна компетентність; андрагог; корпоративний навчальний центр


The author identified and analyzed structural components of the information competence of the andragogue at the corporate training center, including cognitive and semantic, operational activity, value-
based and motivational, reflexive and evaluative ones. The cognitive and semantic component requires adequate knowledge, i.e. information literacy, which is usually understood as mastering information
technology and its competent use to solve certain typical professional tasks. It deals with the processes of
information processing on the basis of microcognitive acts, namely, analysis, formalization, comparison,
generalization, and synthesis with existing knowledge. The operational activity component is the ability of
the andragogue to actively use professionally oriented information technology in their practice and related
fields in order to develop systematic professional thinking. The value-based and motivational component
involves the entry of the andragogue into the world of corporate values, expanding the range of personal
and professional contacts, the formation of the humanistic value of information culture. The reflective and
evaluation component enables the andragogue to be critical of the flow of information, control their
information activities, analyze the results, and assess both the process and the compliance of the chosen
tools and methods with the goals and norms adopted in the corporate environment.
The author defined the information competence of the andragogue at the corporate training center as an
integrative and functional personal quality that is based on a dynamic combination of knowledge
(information literacy), skills and abilities (information activity) as well as values (information culture) that
enables the individual to use the gained experience to effectively solve socially significant professional and
everyday tasks.


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Author Biography

  • Olga Banit

    doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, leading researcher of the andragogy department
    Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of National Academy of
    Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

INFORMATION COMPETENCE AS A STRUCTURAL COMPONENT OF ANDRAGOGUE PROFESSIONALIZATION. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 185-191.