
  • Liudmyla Martseva
  • Lesia Motorna



професійні компетенції; інноваційні методики; майбутні фахівці; технічна освіта; технологічна культура


The article deals with considering of innovation pedagogical technology usage in the process of
technical specialists training. Innovation methodology promotes the development of students’ technical
thinking, the formation of communicative competence and technological culture. Moreover, they help to
increase students’ mobility in the employment market. The authors describe the professional components
of future engineer; substantiate pedagogical technologies that use in training of logical thinking and
communicative competence.

Modern activity of a technical specialist demands technical thinking. New components of this thinking
stipulates high general culture of the engineer with a sufficient reflection of his/her own activity and the
usage of modern methods of application-oriented sciences in his/her occupation.
The article considers issues related to pedagogical innovation in the process of training future technical
specialists. Innovative methods play an important role in the development of technical thinking of students,
contribute to the formation of communicative competence and technological culture, play a significant role
in the development of dynamism and mobility of young professionals in the labor market. The components
of professional competence of the future engineer are described, separate pedagogical technologies which
are used in preparation of students for formation of logical thinking and formation of their communicative
competence are substantiated.
In this article, the authors reveal the tasks of modern training of a competitive technical specialist and
components of the professional competence of the future engineer.
The task of modern training of a competitive technical specialist is not only the formation of his
professional competence, but also the education of a spiritual person with a sufficiently high level of
personal responsibility. Education of the future engineer with new abstract-logical thinking, the developed
reflection of own professional activity is promoted by application during training of innovative pedagogical
techniques. Innovative teaching methods play an important role in the development of engineering thinking
of students, contribute to the formation of communicative competence and technological culture of future
competitive professionals, their dynamism and mobility.
The components of the professional competence of the future engineer include the following: the need to
study fundamental disciplines, the value attitude to professionally oriented training; mathematical
knowledge and skills; ability to use the capabilities of ICT to solve applied problems; ability to model
objects and processes. Educational institutions of technical profile must meet the needs of modern
production in specialists capable of innovation and implementation of acquired knowledge in solving
engineering problems.


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Author Biographies

  • Liudmyla Martseva

    Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Derzhavnyi universytet «Zhytomyrska politekhnika»,

    Zhytomyr, Ukraine

  • Lesia Motorna

    Vinnytskyi tekhnichnyi koledzh

    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATION IN PREPARATION OF THE FUTURE TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 244-252.