
  • Bereziuk Dmytro



educational technologies, educational process, formation, readiness, future teachers, primary school, physical culture and health technologies, professional activity


The article highlights the problem of forming the readiness of future teachers of primary school
to use physical culture and health technologies in their professional activities. It was revealed that in the
studies devoted to the problem of physical culture and health activities of students of general secondary
education institutions, the issues of forming the readiness of future teachers of primary school for the use
of physical culture and health technologies in their professional activities are insufficiently worked out.
The requirements for modern educational technologies and their use are disclosed.
The interpretation of the concepts "educational technologies" and "readiness of future teachers of primary
school to use physical culture and health technologies in their professional activities" is presented.
The criteria for the readiness of future teachers of primary school to use physical culture and health
technologies in professional activities are substantiated, the development of which can be an indicator of
the formation of both individual components and the educational process as a whole (professional and
pedagogical knowledge and practical skills of physical culture and health; adaptation to innovations in the
field of physical culture and health improvement activities; adequacy of self-assessment of pedagogical
activity from the standpoint of physical culture and health improvement).
The components of the readiness of future teachers of primary school to use physical culture and health
technologies in professional activities are revealed and characterized: target, motivational, substantive,
operational, effective and evaluative. The levels of their readiness are determined: permissible,
reproductive, creative and stages of research and experimental work (informative and instructive,
educational, practical).
The process of forming the readiness of future teachers of primary school to use physical culture and
health technologies in professional activities through the blocks of diagnosis, purpose, content, means of
pedagogical communication, methodical support, control, correction and management is presented.


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Author Biography

  • Bereziuk Dmytro

    PhD student Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management,
    Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
    Uman, Ukraina


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How to Cite

DEVELOPING THE READINESS OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TO USE PHYSICAL AND HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 67, 96-103.