
  • Pryadko Oleksandr



independent work, students, education, distance learning, technologies, specialists, professional education


The article examines the independent work of higher education students in the conditions of distance learning. Priority tasks for wide use of new technologies and distance learning are highlighted. Distance education focuses on various satisfaction of students in the process of conducting training courses. Characteristic features of distance learning in independent work are noted. In distance education, the educational course is based on independent study, therefore the entire order of the educational process should be oriented to the guidance and organization of the student's independent work on the educational material. The modern level of development of information and communication technologies gives a powerful impetus to the new stage of the development of distance learning. This form of education has a long history, inextricably linked with the history of communication and information technologies. The emergence and spread of innovative technologies means not only a change in the activity itself and the means and mechanisms of its implementation, but also a significant restructuring of target attitudes, value orientations, specific knowledge, abilities and skills. Therefore, the current stage of the development of civilization, scientific and technical progress requires the emergence of such specialists who would have a broad humanitarian mindset, would have a good psychological training, would be able to build a professional activity according to the laws that take into account the connection between economic productivity and creative beginnings, and as well as the individual's desire for constant renewal, selfrealization. Only such qualities will help to master the specifics of innovative technologies well. The educational and methodological base of higher professional education, which is created on the basis of information and communication technologies (ICT), allows you to place, store, deliver and process information of a large volume and different content, ensures the implementation of professional training on the basis of self-organized by the teacher. study of academic disciplines by students Under the conditions, independent work of students becomes one of the leading organizational forms of the educational process in the system of higher professional education.


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Author Biography

  • Pryadko Oleksandr

    graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy, National University of Bioresources and nature management of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

THE CURRENT STATE OF THE INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS IN THE CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE EDUCATION. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 68, 32-38.