
  • Оleg Stechkevych



law, regularity, formation, digital competence, teacher, axiom, theory, system


The article substantiates the theoretical and methodological foundations of building a system for the formation of a teacher’s digital competence, which relates to the basic regularities and axiomatics of the educational process. Theoretical pedagogy is currently developing on the background of powerful digitalization of education, therefore significant transformations are taking place in the patterns of teaching. Regularities and laws maximally condense knowledge, reduce the volume of information possessed by science. This reduction is achieved neither mechanically, nor by reducing redundant information, but by increasing it, reducing single dependence to essential relationships. An attempt is made to solve the problem of determining the regularities of the formation of the teacher's digital competence. Formulated regularities are an attempt to single out from a significant number of known regularities a few of the most general ones, which are not deduced from each other that makes it possible to derive other regularities as their consequences. In the formation of theoretical foundations, we rely on the axiomatic method of theory building, where the pedagogical influence is directed both at the collective of listeners and individually at each of its participants. The basic regularities of the formation of a teacher's digital competence are substantiated: the purposeful systematicity of the teaching process based on the principles of a synergistic approach (the process of forming a teacher's digital competence is effective if the following conditions are met: the appearance of qualitatively new properties as a result of training; the presence of a systemic nature of the formation of a teacher's digital competence; taking into account the individual characteristics of the participants of the educational process; the existence of several equal states of the system of forming the digital competence of the teacher, considering the requirements and needs of the students); interaction of formal and informal teacher’s digital education (the analysis of concepts is subject to the laws of formal logic); integrative content of the formation of the teacher's digital competence. The regularities of the construction and functioning of integrative courses in the interaction of the principles of didactics and the implementation of integrative courses, based on the principles of the design of integrative courses in digital education developed by the authors (humanization, efficiency, integrity of digital education: specialization of education: harmonization in digital education: integration in education, etc.).


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Author Biography

  • Оleg Stechkevych

    Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education, National University "LvivPolytechnic", Lviv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

SYSTEM OF FORMATION OF THE TEACHER’S DIGITAL COMPETENCE: AXIOMATICS AND REGULARITIES. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 68, 38-49.